Privacy Policy

The owner and the administrator of the service is Young Time Mateusz Gołąb ul. Polna 20, 62-030 Luboń NIP: 7792259667.

The security of the privacy on the internet is for a very big issue, hence we guarantee the security of the data given via the service

We take into consideration the privacy of every person who visits our website.  The data and some other personal  information  will be used only to improve the quality of our service. The above mentioned goals are only used  taking into consideration all the security measures.

We guarantee the security of personal data of our Users. We take all the technical steps to prevent getting and modifying the data sent via all the electronic devices by all the unauthorised users .

Why do we modify your personal data?

We modify your personal data because it is essential to complete the agreement with You among other things to:

  • reply all your questions or announcement that you have  e.g. through the contact formula
  • maintain the best quality of our services

Przetwarzamy też Twoje dane osobowe w celach wskazanych poniżej, na podstawie prawnie uzasadnionego interesu którym jest:

We modify your personal data for the goals mentioned below on the basis of the legally justified interest of which are:

- monitoring your activity on our websites

- matching the content according to your preferences on the basis of the browsed content of the internet pages, mostly the titles of your intertest

- conducting marketing activities to make you get interested in your own service

- ensuring the compliance with the tax law as well as the accounting legislation

- conducting the analysis of the statistics

- organisation of the competitions, building the loyalty and partnership  programs

Your consent for modifying the personal data will help us to:

  • Recording the data in cookies, collecting the data from the websites
  • Organising competitions and promotional campaigns
  • Sending information in a form  of a newsletter

Yu can always withdraw your consent  given to for modifying your data in every moment in the same way as you agree on it, you can always contact Your data will be stored by until your withdrawal.

Why do we need Your personal data?


Your personal data can be stored in  the automatic way (in the form of profiling) without any legal consequences and won’t effect on your situation. Profiling your personal data by can be used (also in this automatic way) to collect information about You , especially to analysis or forecast Your personal preferences or interests.

Your  rights towards in the manner of modifying the data guarantee the fulfilment of your rights according to the Data Protection Regulation which are:

  • The right to limit the access  to modify your data during the time of explanation,  corrections, we won’t delete your data but only limit the access to them
  • The right to transfer Your data
  • The right to give objection to modify your data
  • The right to bring a petition to a supervisory authority in accordance of modifying your personal data to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office

Whenever you want you can bring a petition in accordance of modifying your data for the marketing purposes, profiling, in the case of justified administrator’s interest. You can also bring a petition under special circumstances in which your data are modified for the marketing purposes, profiling, in the case justified by the interest of the administrator.

Sharing your personal data

We especially take into consideration the security of your personal data, we make sure that all your data is safe. We use for your own sake the most modern and functional technical solutions. Hence some of your personal data is shared to payment parties, or agents supporting the post, logistics or package handling, audit and hosting  services, marketing campaigns, as well as public authorities which are responsible for prosecution of fraud, crimes and tax audit.

How long do we store your personal data?

Your personal data  are stored as long as they needed for the better quality of service and depending on the purpose of their usage we store them for:

  • Marketing campaigns – for the length of the agreement, or when the separate consent is given for using such data – or when other actions connected with the service of the transaction, objection against such modification or withdrawal of your consent are finished

- Promotional and sales -related actions , e.g. competitions, promotional campaigns  until the end of those actions or until the moment of their settlement

- Operational actions – until the moment of their limitations given by RODO regulation in order to present  accuracy of modifying the personal data

Cookie policy

  • What are the cookies? A cookie is  a small text file which is transmitted by server on the user’s device (computer, tablet, smartphone)  in a file cookie.txt that our server can read after reconnecting to a computer. Cookie files do not enhance any data through which You can be identified, they are not shown to  other people, and reading them is only possible through exclusion by the server which created them.

On the website we used the cookie technology in order to adapt our service to your individual needs. We used cookies in order to make the statistics which can help us understand in what way the Users of our service use websites to improve their structure and content. Thanks to cookies we are able to establish the User’s session on the website (after logging) which can help to use all the functions of our shop.

You can agree on that fact that your Data will be remembered and without rewriting them You can easily visit our website  In every moment you can withdraw your content. The data will be remembered in the form of the cookies. It means that your computer will remember them only when using the website The owners of other services will not have the access to this data.

We use such cookies as:

  • Necessary cookie files that help us  while using the service  of our internet shop, e.g.

authentication of cookie files used by the website

  • Cookie files that are used for the security measures
  • Performance cookies that help to collect the information on how the service is used
  • Functional cookies that are used to remember chosen data by the user settings and personification of the interface of the user’s account in the manner of language or region that the User comes from, login, password due to which the security is maintain
  • Advertising cookies that deliver the User’s individual content of advertising character

If You have any problems using our website or you don’t agree to personalisation of the service, we guarantee turning off the cookies in the browser’s settings

More information about the cookie policy are provided on this website http://wszystkoociasteczkach.p in the section “Help” in the menu of the internet browser

Here is the list of other websites or applications that can use the policy of cookies:

How to change the setting of cookies in different browsers?

  • Mozilla Firefox – click here
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer  - click here
  • Google Chrome – click here
  • Opera – click here
  • Apple Safari – click here

In mobile phones, tablet and other mobile devices  - we encourage to get to know with the options of privacy that are provided on the website of your mobile device

Remember that proper functioning of the user’s accounts as well as the comfort while using our services is dependent on the cookies settings


  • The contact with the administrator is via email or through the address Young Time Mateusz Gołąb ul. Polna 20, 62-030 Luboń NIP: 7792259667

Changes into the privacy politics

  • The policy is always up-to-date and verified. The last date of modification is 9-07-2022